1. If there's anything a man hates in his life, it’s a nagging wife. Please stop nagging. #MarriedWomen
2. Your husband is not a 'project'. He's not yours to change or fix or mould. Please he is yours to love. #MarriedWomen
3. A nagging wife is like water going drip-drip-drip on a rainy day. How can you keep her quiet? (Proverbs 27:15 GNB) #MarriedWomen
4. Stop looking at your husband to be the one to make you happy. That's actually your job, not his. #MarriedWomen
5. A husband's greatest need in this world of marriage is to be respected by his wife. #MarriedWomen
6. When you give to your husband without expectations, then God somehow begins to meet your expectations. #MarriedWomen
7. Your husband truly wants you to be happy but he really doesn't want to be blamed when you're not happy. #MarriedWomen
8. Look in the mirror & learn to love what you see. A woman who loves her body takes care of it for her husband. Love your body. #MarriedWomen
9. The successful mathematics in marriage is to give 100% and expect nothing in return. #MarriedWomen
10. Stop expecting your husband to be what he’s not. Unmet expectations will be the greatest source of sorrow in your marriage. #MarriedWomen
11. You have to make forgiveness a habit. In big things and in little things. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive. #MarriedWomen
12. I'm not sure your friends will give you objective advice about your husband. Why make them your counsellors. #MarriedWomen
13. Try to overcome little annoyances, like when your husband leaves a wet towel on the bed. #MarriedWomen
14. Men are not wired like women and your husband doesn't even know he is being insensitive to your needs. Tell him nicely #MarriedWomen
15. Stop saying "I will leave you one day" or "I want a divorce" whenever you quarrel. In the end it will backfire. #MarriedWomen
16. Stop being so needy, it drains your husband. #MarriedWomen
17. Never criticize your husband. It builds resentment in him. #MarriedWomen
18. Why don't you compliment your husband on what he does right rather than tear him down for what he does wrong? #MarriedWomen
19. When your husband does something you appreciate, it's nice to let him know. #MarriedWomen
20. Do you realize that the more you try to force your husband to do something or restrict him, the more he’ll try to escape? #MarriedWomen
21. Why do you even bother going through his text messages? There's no need. Stop it. #MarriedWomen
22. Your husband needs time to chill in his 'man cave'. Please leave him alone. #MarriedWomen
23. You may not understand why he loves to watch sports or violent movies. You don't have to understand. Give him his space. #MarriedWomen
24. Focus on what you love about your husband and please leave the rest. It's not for you to change him, that's God’s job. #MarriedWomen
25. Make the bed. Thank you. #MarriedWomen
26. If you try to control, restrict or cage your husband it will take away that ‘thing’ that makes him a man. He’s a free spirit. #MarriedWomen
27. Speak clearly. You will be angry with your husband and he will have no idea of what he said or did to annoy you. #MarriedWomen
28. Don't walk away after you've spoken your mind to your husband. He will hold it against you and bring it up later. #MarriedWomen
29. Don't give your husband the ‘cold shoulder treatment’. He will escape from home. #MarriedWomen
30. Stop waiting for your husband to arrange a date or give you what you want, take responsibility and create it yourself. #MarriedWomen
31. Criticism and control will only make your husband shut you out. #MarriedWomen
32. Sex is a core need for your husband. It anchors his soul to yours. #MarriedWomen
33. Frequent meaningful physical intimacy is what connects your husband's heart to yours. #MarriedWomen
34. Pet your husband. Massage his shoulders. Give him a manicure. #MarriedWomen
35. If you shut your husband away from physical intimacy then you’ve cut off his most important connection to you in his world. #MarriedWomen
36. You have to love your husband even when he is unlovable. #MarriedWomen
37. Be sensitive to your husband’s physical needs even when you're tired. You can do all things thro’ Christ who strengthens you. #MarriedWomen
38. Please stop airing your dirty laundry in public. Your husband just hates it #MarriedWomen
39. Teach your children to respect their father. Make them see him as a hero. #MarriedWomen
40. This night out thing with the ‘girls’ is really a risky thing you’re doing. #MarriedWomen
41. Protect your husband. There are she-wolves out there. #MarriedWomen
42. Do all things without grumbling and complaining. #MarriedWomen
43. It’s not nice when your husband is the subject of your girlfriend’s gossip and petty quarrels. He’s a man. Protect him. #MarriedWomen
44. Pick your battles. Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't fight over little matters. You only stress yourself out. #MarriedWomen
45. Accept your husband for what he is and not what you want him to be. #MarriedWomen
46. Hold your tongue and control your temper in your husband’s presence. Practice this well. #MarriedWomen
47. Marriage is not 50/50. You give all and then some more. #MarriedWomen
48. The love you bring into your marriage is not 'turn by turn' or keeping track of who apologized last. #MarriedWomen
49. Don't talk bad about your husband. Ever. #MarriedWomen
50. The bible actually says “Better to live on the edge of a roof than to share a house with a contentious woman” (Proverbs 23:24) #MarriedWomen
51. Understand that your husband is very physical and visual while you're emotional. #MarriedWomen
52. Don't be surprised after a quarrel your husband reaches out for intimacy when he sees you in a nightie. That's how men are. #MarriedWomen
53. Withhold physical intimacy from your husband and you emasculate and alienate him. #MarriedWomen
54. Let your husband see the 'dark' part of your passion. Keep it interesting, exciting and adventurous. #MarriedWomen
55. Learn that very unique combination to your husband’s heart. #MarriedWomen
56. Of course marriage is hard work. But take it one day at a time. #MarriedWomen
57. Everything in life is not another ‘dress, shoe and designer bag’. Please cultivate some inner beauty. #MarriedWomen
58. Never tell your husband “I told you so". #MarriedWomen
59. So your husband is not doing well financially. Don’t belittle him. Help him stand. #MarriedWomen
60. Let your husband's past be past. Don't enquire further. You will end up in pain. #MarriedWomen
61. Stop 'eyeing' your husband or hissing or giving him a demeaning look when there's a misunderstanding. #MarriedWomen
62. There are times when your husband will not be respectful to you. Well that does not give you license to disrespect him. #MarriedWomen.
63. You didn’t marry your father so why are you calling your husband daddy? #MarriedWomen
64. You cannot control your husband's actions, but you can control your own reactions. #MarriedWomen
65. Never, ever say things that tear your husband down when you're in the company of others. #MarriedWomen
66. An angry, selfish & demanding wife can result in the death of the marriage even without legal divorce papers. #MarriedWomen
67. Respect yourself. #MarriedWomen
68. Men thrive when they know their wives trust them. #MarriedWomen
69. Sex means more than sex to your husband. It gives him a sense of confidence and wellbeing that carries into other areas. #MarriedWomen
70. When you reject your husband’s advances it's as though you have rejected him as a husband, provider and as a man. #MarriedWomen
71. Be modest in public and erotic in private. #MarriedWomen
72. You don't need to turn other men on to show your husband your sensual side. #MarriedWomen
73. Some parents are always hearing negative things about their son-in-law. Save your parents that hassle. #MarriedWomen
74. So your husband is not perfect. Well, neither are you. #MarriedWomen
75. Compliment your husband as much as you can. #MarriedWomen
76. Don't be a control freak. It's a put off. #MarriedWomen
77. Don't be an aggressive wife. It's a turn off. #MarriedWomen
78. Your part in the decision making process is to provide your husband with the information he needs to make the decision. #MarriedWomen
79. Praise your husband verbally and publicly. #MarriedWomen
80. You have no idea how far the simple words "I am proud of you" will go with your husband. Please tell him. #MarriedWomen
81. Your husband’s anger is usually because he feels disrespected. #MarriedWomen
82. To your husband, affirmation from you is everything. Do it frequently. #MarriedWomen
83. If you don't affirm your husband, he’ll seek it elsewhere. And you will not like where he’ll get it from. #MarriedWomen
84. Your obedience to God in your marriage, frees God to work on your husband. #MarriedWomen
85. Submitting to your husband is trusting God. He made the rules. #MarriedWomen
86. Submission is not oppression. #MarriedWomen
87. Submitting to your husband is trusting God. He made the rules. #MarriedWomen
88. If you want to be treated as a queen then treat your husband like a king. #MarriedWomen
Source: Tony Rapu
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