1. When you marry, you've entered something that was invented by God.#MarriedMen
2. Tell your wife "thank you" for all the cooking, washing, cleaning and even making the bed. #MarriedMen
3. Why not take some of the heavy load your wife is carrying off her shoulders. #MarriedMen
4. If you're determined to run marriage your own way, you'll be in trouble because marriage is God's idea. #MarriedMen
5. It was not the 'village elders' who came up with marriage. It was God. He Himself officiated at the first wedding. #MarriedMen
6. Once you're married, you're married. #MarriedMen
7. Your wife has to take priority above work and business and pleasure. #MarriedMen
8. Your wife has the power to set the direction of your entire life. #MarriedMen
9. If your marriage is strong, even with trouble all around you, it won't matter. You will be able to move out in strength. #MarriedMen
10. If your marriage is messed up and everything else is great, it won't matter. You will be moving out in weakness. #MarriedMen
11. Your wife's words are so powerful she can actually overturn negative things said about you. #MarriedMen
12. The love and affirmation of your wife has the power to heal many of your deepest wounds. #MarriedMen
13. If all in the world say you're ugly but your wife says you're beautiful, you’ll feel beautiful. #MarriedMen
14. Stop complaining about your wife to your mother. #MarriedMen
15. Conflicts in marriage are inevitable. Resolving them is a part of the process of bonding with your wife. #MarriedMen
16. Talk to your wife. #MarriedMen
17. Make eye contact with your wife. #MarriedMen
18. Let your wife talk. #MarriedMen
19. Sit down and listen to your wife. Just listen. #MarriedMen
20. Saying "I love you" to your wife is good, but showing it is even better. #MarriedMen
21. Remember love is not just what you say, it's what you do. #MarriedMen
22. To your wife, a kiss actually says more than a 1000 "I love you's ". #MarriedMen
23. Stop taking out your frustrations on your wife. #MarriedMen
24. Stop dumping your work issues and problems on your wife at night. #MarriedMen
25. Speak to your wife as your equal. #MarriedMen
26. Please treat your wife with some respect. #MarriedMen
27. Brag about your wife in public. #MarriedMen
28. Your wife is not inferior and should not be made to feel so. #MarriedMen
29. Please leave your parents out of your marriage. She didn't marry your father. #MarriedMen
30. Treating your wife as the 'weaker vessel' does not mean treating her as an inferior vessel. #MarriedMen
31. The bible says your prayers will be bouncing back from the ceiling when you don't treat your wife with respect (1 Peter 3:7) #MarriedMen
32. If you use all the water in the tank and leave none for her, that's not love. #MarriedMen
33. Enjoy life with your wife. #MarriedMen
34. Sacrifice a football game to go to an event that your wife enjoys. #MarriedMen
35. Spend a weekend at a hotel with your wife. #MarriedMen
36. Stop shouting at your wife. She can hear you. #MarriedMen
37. Be a spiritual leader not a spiritual dominator. #MarriedMen
38. Submission from your wife is easier when the one she is submitting to loves her enough to sacrifice his life for her. #MarriedMen
39. To keep bringing up old issues of what your wife did in the past is not loving as Christ loved. #MarriedMen
40. The man is the head of the house but Christ is the head of the man. #MarriedMen
41. We're told to love our wives as Christ loves the Church. He gave Himself. Give yourself to your wife. #MarriedMen
42. Stop saying" you're always" or” you never". It comes out as judgmental and condemning. #MarriedMen
43. Remember you said "until death do us part". God doesn't take that lightly. #MarriedMen
44. Stop acting like a paramount ruler or village chief. You're still a husband #MarriedMen
45. Adultery of the heart is one of the most common problems among MarriedMen.
46. You can't lead your wife anywhere you yourself haven't been. #MarriedMen
47. You can't expect to lead your wife spiritually if you're not pursuing God yourself. #MarriedMen
48. Grab your wife's hand and ask her how you can pray for her. #MarriedMen
49. Read a book together with your wife. A book in the bible is a good idea. #MarriedMen
50. Stop flirting with your wife's girlfriends. #MarriedMen
51. Find a pet name for your wife. Honey. Sweetheart. Baby. Darling. #MarriedMen
52. Don't call your wife mummy. She is not your mum. #MarriedMen
53. Wash the dishes for your wife sometimes. #MarriedMen
54. Look into your wife's eyes. #MarriedMen
55. Make your wife happy. If she's happy, you will be happy. #MarriedMen
56. Greet your wife first before you greet the children. #MarriedMen
57. Stroke your wife's hair. #MarriedMen
58. Leave your mobile phone and bond with your wife. #MarriedMen
59. Intimacy goes beyond sexuality. #MarriedMen
60. Your wife is "fearfully and wonderfully made". Learn some anatomy and even physiology. #MarriedMen
61. Hold hands with your wife. Rub her shoulders. #MarriedMen
62. Learn how to agree to disagree with your wife. #MarriedMen
63. No two people will ever agree on everything. It's ok. Have guidelines for managing conflict with your wife. #MarriedMen
64. Stop fighting with your wife over money. #MarriedMen
65. Don't resent your wife's family. #MarriedMen
66. Respect your wife's father. He brought her up. #MarriedMen
67. Your wife wants her feelings to be understood. #MarriedMen
68. Don't rush to try and fix your wife's problems. Listen to her first. #MarriedMen
69. Consult with your wife before you make those big decisions. #MarriedMen
70. Discuss with your wife before you make expensive purchases. #MarriedMen
71. Understand what your wife means when she says, "Don't touch me at night if you didn't speak to me during the day". #MarriedMen
72. Your wife really wants to connect with you. #MarriedMen
73. 'Chase' your wife again. #MarriedMen
74. Working on your marriage is also the man's job. #MarriedMen
75. Don't be lazy with your love for your wife. #MarriedMen
76. Focus on your wife's good points. #MarriedMen
77. Stop blaming your wife when things don't work out for you. It's not her fault. #MarriedMen
78. Laugh at home. #MarriedMen
79. If your wife says she is lonely, then she is lonely. #MarriedMen
80. Don't be rude to your wife in front of her maid. #MarriedMen
81. If your wife loves board games, then play them with her. Even Ludo #MarriedMen
82. Live with your wife. You asked her to marry you. Even if she asked you, you agreed. #MarriedMen
83. Please give your wife her space. She has 'tried'. #MarriedMen
84. Buy your wife some jewelry. #MarriedMen
Source: Tony Rapu
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